Item Coversheet
September 8, 2020
Consent Agenda

Authorize the Administrative Officer to enter into a contract with Mahlum Architects, Inc., for architectural planning for the Rucker Building, pending final negotiations (SR 20-072; S. Frederick)

Administration / Shawn Frederick, Administrative Officer 
Prior Board Review:
Administration Committee, 8/26/20; Executive Committee, 8/27/20 


On June 19, 2020, the Health District issued a request for proposal (RFP) for architectural planning for the Rucker Building. The RFP was developed in collaboration with our legal counsel to ensure that the process met legal requirements. The Health District received five responses by the due date of July 7, 2020. As part of the process, staff hosted a virtual meeting with all interested potential applicants.


Administrative Officer Shawn Frederick, Business Management Analyst Jim Kamp, and Building and Fleet Maintenance Specialist Jim Neal served as the evaluation committee and reviewed and scored the responsive submittals. Mahlum Architects, Inc., (proposal attached as Exhibit A) had the highest average score of 82 out of 100 by the evaluation committee. The second-place firm scored 69.33. Based on those submittals and scores (Exhibit B), staff identified Mahlum Architects as the recommended consultant.


The project is expected to cost approximately $66,500 before taxes (Exhibit C). This is currently unfunded work and a topic that will be discussed at the next Rucker Building Task Force meeting. For work to proceed in 2020, a budget amendment with capital planning and budget considerations into 2021 will be required.


Board Authority

Consistent with Resolution 19-20 and the revised Division of Responsibilities (10/8/19), the Board of Health retains contract authority for non-legal services greater than $50,000/year or $100,000/total contract.

Recommended Motion

MOVE TO authorize the Administrative Officer to enter into a contract with Mahlum Architects, Inc., for architectural planning for the Rucker Building, pending final negotiations.

Mahlum Architects RFP Proposal
Evaluation Score Sheet
Mahlum Architects Planning and Fee Proposal