Item Coversheet
August 8, 2023

2024 WA Legislative Priorities (SR 23-016; N. Thomsen)

Office of the Director / Nicole Thomsen, Public Affairs & Policy Manager 
Prior Board Review:


The 2024 Washington State Legislative session will begin a short session in January 2024. In preparation for the legislative session, the board has an opportunity to approve a legislative agenda in alignment with our values and priorities. Unlike in years past, as a county department, board priorities will be considered for placement in county priorities as well.


In past years, county public health priorities have informally followed the Washington State Association of Local Public Health Officials (WSALPHO) legislative agenda with the board of health adopting resolutions in support of specific legislative actions. WSALPHO and the Washington State Department of Health priorities have not been drafted yet.


Successes in the 2023 WA Legislative session include:

  • Sustainable investments in Foundational Public Health Services (FPHS)
  • Funding for a pilot STI/HIV clinic in Snohomish County
  • Passage of key healthcare system stabilization, including a nursing compact
  • Passage of several whole body care policies (hearing devices and dental therapists)


Conversations have begun with County legislative policy advisors, the Public Health Advisory Council, Community Equity Advisory Board, and staff on 2024 priorities. In initial staff conversations, the following items are proposed for consideration:

  • FPHS: Maintain current levels; limits on supplantation
  • Allow emergency medical service providers to support public health efforts outside of a declared emergency
  • Investments in environmental quality for the protection of human health such as water quality an shellfish harvesting
  • Equitable access to healthcare coverage for Compact of Free Association Islanders
  • Investments in workforce development and retention
  • Climate and human health connections
  • Investment in public health informatics and assessment


Questions for Board of Health consideration:

  • What legislative policies are you hearing about that have potential public health impact?
  • What changes to the legislative priorities would you like to see?


Once approved, legislative priorities will be shared with the county, cities, community partners, and our state legislators.

Board Authority

RCW 70.05.060 – Powers and duties of local board of health and Snohomish County Code Chapter 2.300

Recommended Motion

No action, briefing only

2023 Snohomish Health District WA Legislative Priorities