RCW 70.05.060 requires the local board of health to establish fee schedules for issuing or renewing licenses or permits or for such other services as are authorized by the law and the rules of the state board of health. The rule further provides that such fees for services shall not exceed the actual cost of providing any such services.
Per RCW 70.05.035(l) and SCC 2.300.100 require that, “Any decision by the board of health related to the setting or modification of permit, licensing, and application fees may only be determined by the city and county elected officials on the board.” In meeting these requirements fees will be adopted in a separate action from the Board of Health Code, also currently in front of the board for consideration.
A 5% increase across all permits, inspections, reviews, and related fees are being proposed. This increase reflects the same increase in staff cost of living adjustments.