Item Coversheet
June 11, 2019

Direct the Administrator to work with Health District legal counsel and Moss Adams LLP to draft a contract to conduct an assessment of the performance audit areas as designated by the Executive Committee (SR 19-064; J. Ketchel)

Administration / Shawn Frederick, Administrative Services Director 
Prior Board Review:


During the 2019 budget process, it was decided that the District would undergo a performance audit during the 2019 budget year. The audit was intended to evaluate the efficacy of the District’s overall administrative operations. Specific focus areas were contract management, facility management, policy, fund balance, overhead, accounts payable, accounts receivable, budget monitoring, and the budget decision-making process. Staff drafted the RFP (Exhibit A) based on direction from the Executive Committee and Board Chair. The RFP was issued on April 25, 2019, with a final submittal date of May 17, 2019. At the conclusion of the RFP selection process, the respondents were scored based on experience, personnel qualification, project approach, and cost. Based on the submitted proposals, staff recommend Moss Adams as the contractor to conduct the District’s performance audit.

Board Authority

Consistent with Resolution 11-36 (12/13/11) and SHD’s “Division of Responsibilities,” the Board of Health retains contract authority for non-legal services greater than $50,000/year or $100,000/total contract.

Recommended Motion

MOVE TO direct the Administrator to work with Health District legal counsel and Moss Adams LLP to draft a contract to conduct an assessment of the performance audit areas as designated by the Executive Committee.

Performance Audit RFP
Moss Adams Performance Audit Proposal