Item Coversheet
July 9, 2019

Authorize the Interim Administrator to sign the Interagency Agreement between the Department of Ecology and Snohomish Health District for Local Source Control activities and for funding totaling $504,634.13 for the period July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2021 (SR 19-074; A. Pellham, J. Hutchison)

Environmental Health / Andrea Pellham, Acting Assistant Director 
Prior Board Review:
Executive Committee, 2/27/19, 6/26/19; BOH, 3/12/2019 


The Local Source Control (LSC) Program is funded (salaries and benefits plus 25% overhead) by the State Department of Ecology. The funds are distributed to participating agencies by means of two-year contracts that coincide with the State’s budget cycle. 


LSC staff provide hands-on assistance and regulatory advice to help small businesses identify and resolve possible causes of pollution. Participation by businesses is completely voluntary. The Health District has provided LSC services for approximately 10 years.


In March 2019 the Board of Health authorized District staff to apply for funds to continue the program through June 2021. The current LSC contract expires June 30, 2019, and provided a total of $471,816 over a two-year period.  The proposed new contract increases funding to $504,634.13. This reflects an almost 7% increase to help offset COLAs that have been implemented. Ecology chose not to provide funds for the Health District’s proposed EnviroStars membership, so that will not become an LSC activity at this time.


LSC is currently budgeted at $240,000 in projected revenue in the District’s 2019 budget.

Board Authority

Consistent with Resolution 11-36 (12/13/11) and SHD’s “Division of Responsibilities,” the Board of Health retains contract approval authority for new grants and contracts over $50,000.

Recommended Motion

MOVE TO authorize the Interim Administrator to sign the interagency agreement between the Department of Ecology and Snohomish Health District for Local Source Control activities and for funding totaling $504,634.13 for the period July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2021.

Proposed Interagency Agreement for LSC activities