The Board of Health will meet on a special day and time to conduct a special meeting as set forth on the agenda below.




July 29, 2021

12:00 PM

Zoom Meeting: 253-215-8782; ID: 962 6540 9025

1.Call to Order
2.Roll Call
3.Public Comment
a.Public comment will not be taken at the meeting. However, the public is encouraged to submit written comments prior to the meeting by emailing the Board Clerk at sdejong@snohd.org. Please email your comments no later than 10 a.m. on July 29 so staff can prepare them for submission into the record. Comments received will be read aloud as part of the "Public Comment" section on the agenda.
4.Written Reports
a.Finance Manager's report for May 2021 (SR 21-072; T. Kellogg)
5.Consent Agenda
a.Approve vouchers and Res. 21-15 authorizing Health District expenditures from June 1, 2021 to July 15, 2021 (no staff report; T. Kellogg)
b.Approve policy POL 210.002 concerning texting (SR 21-050; N. Thomsen, K. Curtis)
a.Authorize the Administrative Officer to execute amendment #22 to the consolidated contract with the Washington State Department of Health (SR 21-066; K. Curtis)
b.Authorize the Administrative Officer to sign the Pollution Prevention Assistance Partnership IAA with the Washington State Department of Ecology (SR 21-076; R. Gray)
c.Authorize the Administrative Officer to sign memorandums of agreement with key partners for the HHS Advancing Health Literacy grant (SR 21-075; H. Thomas, K. Curtis)
d.Approve the 2021 budget amendment #1(SR 21-073; T. Kellogg)
e.Authorize the Administrative Officer to approve out-of-state travel to Baltimore from September 20-24, 2021, for Nicole Thomsen to attend the Public Health Law Conference (SR 21-071; H. Thomas, S. Frederick)
f.Approve a six-month extension of six previously appointed Public Health Advisory Council members through December 2021 (SR 21-074; N. Thomsen)
7.Administrative Officer's Report
8.Health Officer's Report
9.Information Items
a.Upcoming meetings

Board of Health members:

Stephanie Wright (Chair), Adrienne Fraley-Monillas (Vice Chair), Scott Bader, Elisabeth Crawford,
Megan Dunn, Christine Frizzell, John Joplin, Anji Jorstad, Sam Low, Jared Mead,
Nate Nehring, Dan Rankin, Linda Redmon, Kyoko Matsumoto Wright, Jeff Vaughan


The public is invited to attend. Parking and meeting rooms are accessible for persons with disabilities. Questions or additional information about the board meeting may be obtained by contacting Sarah de Jong at 425.339.5210; Relay: 711; Email SHDInfo@snohd.org. To request reasonable accommodations, please contact Ms. de Jong by the Friday prior to the board meeting.