July 9, 2019

3:00 PM

3020 Rucker Ave., Auditorium

1.Call to Order
2.Roll Call
3.Approval of Agenda Contents and Order
4.Approval of Minutes
a.Approval of Minutes for the Regular Meeting of June 11, 2019
b.Approval of Minutes for the Special Meeting of June 18, 2019
5.Public Comment
6.Division Update
a.Phil Wyman, Environmental Health Specialist, Food Safety Program
7.Written Reports
a.Executive Committee report
b.Administration Committee report
c.Program Policy Committee report
8.Consent Agenda
a.Authorize the Interim Administrator to release the Request for Qualifications to solicit real estate services needed to lease space in the Rucker Building (SR 19-077; S. Frederick, H. Thomas)
a.Puget Sound Clean Air Agency presentation regarding regional clean fuel standard (no staff report; Craig Kenworthy, Executive Director, PSCAA)
b.Finance Manager’s report for April 2019 (SR 19-071; T. Kellogg)
c.Finance Manager’s report to the State Auditors for 2018 (SR 19-072; T. Kellogg)
d.Strategic planning update (no staff report; S. Frederick)
e.Mariner Community Campus update (no staff report; H. Thomas)
a.Authorize the Interim Administrator to release the Request for Qualifications to solicit real estate services needed for the Mariner Community Campus (SR 19-076; S. Frederick, H. Thomas)
b.Approve vouchers and Res. 19-16 authorizing June 2019 expenditures for Health District and PHEPR fund (no staff report; T. Kellogg)
c.Authorize the Interim Administrator to sign the on-call memorandum of understandings with both Washington State Nurses Association and PROTEC17–Allied Professional Health Unit (SR 19-070; P. Aguilar)
d.Authorize the Interim Administrator to sign the Interagency Agreement between the Department of Ecology and Snohomish Health District for Local Source Control activities and for funding totaling $504,634.13 for the period July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2021 (SR 19-074; A. Pellham, J. Hutchison)
e.Approve out-of-state travel for Board member(s) to attend the NALBOH conference, Aug. 14-16, 2019, in Denver, CO (SR 19-073; S. Frederick)
11.Executive Session
a.The Snohomish Health District Board of Health will convene into Executive Session for the purpose of a personnel matter pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g). Executive Session is expected to last 5 minutes. The Board will reconvene into regular session at __________ p.m. and is not expected to take action.
12.Interim Administrator’s Report
13.Information Items
a.Upcoming meetings

Board of Health members:

Stephanie Wright (Chair), Kurt Hilt (Vice Chair), Scott Bader, Christine Cook, Adrienne Fraley-Monillas, Sam Low, Kyoko Matsumoto Wright, Nate Nehring, Liam Olsen, Dan Rankin, Linda Redmon, Terry Ryan, Brian Sullivan, Shirley Sutton, Jeff Vaughan


The public is invited to attend. Parking and meeting rooms are accessible for persons with disabilities. Questions or additional information about the board meeting may be obtained by contacting Linda Carl at 425.339.5210; Relay: 711; Email To request reasonable accommodations, please contact Ms. Carl prior to the board meeting. It's customary for each board meeting to include an assigned period for public comment from individuals present at the meeting. Generally, the public comment occurs near the beginning of the meeting and comments are limited to no more than three minutes per person. The Chair of the board may, as circumstances require at each meeting, reduce the time allotted to individuals or reduce the overall time assigned for public comments.